The Number One Alternative to Western Manufacturers of UV Curing Systems

The Top Choice UV Curing Solutions Bringing New Life to Existing Printing Machines

IUV is a China-based leading manufacturer and developer of UV and LED curing systems for the printing, coating, and converting industry.

As pioneers in driving LED technology into the curing industry, IUV is at the forefront of UV innovation. One of the key objectives of IUV is to breathe new life into existing old printing machines by offering advanced LED curing systems. Promoting LED UV curing systems alongside ARC UV curing lamps, IUV solutions enhance production efficiency, reduce operational costs and help to achieve environmental benefits.

Modular and intelligent design are the key features of IUV products. Committed to contributing efficiency and low cost to the industry, IUV provides exceptional quality and reliability. Compared to traditional curing systems, IUV's modular LED curing system and power supply system are more economical, flexible, and easy to operate, making printing, coating, and converting processes easier than ever.

The best UV curing alternative to Western manufactures.

Retrofits successfully implemented on numerous printing machines: BOBST, MARK ANDY, OMET, GALLUS, NILPETER, DOWELL, WEIGANG, HUADA, etc.

Solutions for a wide range of applications: flexographic, offset and digital printing machines.

Intelligent and innovative product design.

The best value for money in the market, cost-saving, and process-enhancing.

600+ installations in more than 20 countries.

IUV Curing Solutions

Flexographic, Offset and Digital Applications

IUV curing solutions for printing, coating and converting